
坐落在科罗拉多州西南部的圣胡安山脉, 奥雷是一个迷人的小镇,拥有迷人的自然风光和悠久的历史. 尽管它的规模很大, there are plenty of free things to do in Ouray that allow visitors to fully immerse themselves in the beauty and culture of the area. 你是否对徒步旅行感兴趣, 观光, 或者学习当地的历史, 在这个隐藏的宝石般的小镇里,每个人都有自己的东西. In this article, we'll explore some of the best free activities that Ouray has to offer.


Sledding at Vinegar Hill is a must-do activity for anyone visiting Ouray in the winter. 位于距离市中心很短的车程, 醋山是家庭和寻求刺激者的热门景点. 这座山的海拔高度超过7米,从这里可以看到周围圣胡安山脉的壮丽景色. 游客可以自带雪橇,也可以从镇上附近的商店租雪橇. The hill is free to access and is typically open from December to March, weather permitting. Sledding down the hill is a thrilling experience that is sure to be a highlight of any winter trip to Ouray.


Lee's Ski Hill is a popular destination for skiing and snowboarding enthusiasts visiting Ouray in the winter. 位于市中心附近, 滑雪场为所有技术水平的人提供各种地形, 从初级到高级. 海拔超过7,000英尺垂直落差超过200英尺, Lee's Ski Hill provides stunning views of the surrounding mountains and is a great spot for taking in the beauty of the San Juan range. Using the tow line, it is an easy way to make it up the hill, no walking required. 无论你是经验丰富的滑雪者还是单板滑雪爱好者, 或者只是想尝试一些新的东西, 李氏滑雪山是奥雷冬季必去的景点.


Ice skating at Rotary Park is a fun winter activity for families and friends visiting Ouray. The park features a large, outdoor ice skating rink that is free and open to the public. 位于市中心外, the rink offers beautiful views of the surrounding mountains and is a great way to enjoy the crisp winter air. 游客可以自带冰鞋,也可以从保暖小屋借来. 如果天气允许,溜冰场通常从12月开放到次年3月. 除了滑冰, 公园还设有游乐场和野餐区, 使它成为一个户外娱乐的好地方. Ice skating at Rotary Park is a classic winter activity that visitors of all ages can enjoy during their stay in Ouray.



Visiting 盒子Cañon瀑布 during the winter is a breathtaking experience that shouldn't be missed when in Ouray. 冰冻的瀑布形成了令人惊叹的天然冰雕, 沿着铺砌的小路走一小段路就能看到哪一个. 小径被峡谷高耸的岩壁环绕着, 激流的声音回荡在冰冻的墙壁上, 营造宁静的氛围. 除了瀑布, the trail leads to a suspension bridge that offers sweeping views of the canyon below. 虽然去瀑布的路很短, 冬天的时候会很滑, 所以游客一定要穿合适的鞋子. 盒子Cañon瀑布 is a beautiful winter wonderland that offers a unique perspective on the natural beauty of the San Juan Mountains.

# 5徒步旅行

徒步旅行 in Ouray is a must-do activity for anyone looking to experience the natural beauty of the San Juan Mountains. 该地区拥有300多英里的徒步小径, ranging from easy strolls to strenuous hikes that are perfect for more experienced hikers. 而在Ouray徒步旅行可以全年进行, 游客应留意天气变化,并做好准备. 合适的鞋子和衣服是必不可少的, 徒步旅行者应该带足够的水和零食. 徒步旅行 in Ouray is a great way to connect with nature and experience the stunning beauty of this hidden gem of a town.


Scenic drives are a great way to take in the stunning natural beauty of Ouray and the surrounding area. 百万美元高速公路, 这是一条长达25英里的550号高速公路,位于奥雷和西尔弗顿之间, 是一条风景优美的必经之路,可以一览圣胡安山脉的美景. 这条路蜿蜒穿过陡峭的峡谷, 越过高耸的山峰, 沿着湍急的河流, 这真是一次惊险的旅程. 另一个受欢迎的路线是达拉斯分水岭, 在那里可以欣赏到斯奈菲尔山脉和周围山谷的壮丽景色. 游客也可以开车到红山口, 从那里可以看到周围群山的全景. Ouray的风景优美的驾驶可以全年享受, 但游客应注意天气状况的变化, 尤其是在冬季. Regardless of the season, a scenic drive in Ouray is sure to be a memorable experience.


The Mountain Air Music Series is a popular summertime event in Ouray that showcases a variety of live music performances in a beautiful outdoor setting. The event takes place at Fellin Park, a scenic park located in the heart of downtown Ouray. The series typically runs through the month of June and features a diverse lineup of musicians and bands, 从当地最受欢迎的到全国知名的表演. Visitors can bring lawn chairs or blankets and enjoy the music under the open sky while taking in the stunning views of the surrounding mountains. 除了现场音乐, 活动还包括食品和饮料摊贩, 使它成为与朋友和家人一起度过夏日夜晚的好去处. The Mountain Air Music Series is a beloved tradition in Ouray and a great way to experience the vibrant local music scene while enjoying the beauty of the Colorado mountains.


Visiting art galleries is a great way to experience the vibrant arts scene in Ouray. 这个小镇有几家画廊,展示各种各样的艺术, 从绘画和雕塑到珠宝和陶器. The galleries often feature the work of local artists, as well as artists from around the country. 许多画廊位于市中心的历史建筑内, 在浏览艺术品的同时,在镇上漫步如画. 奥雷县艺术协会全年也举办几场活动, 包括艺术展和工作坊, which provide visitors with a chance to meet local artists and learn more about their craft. Whether you're an art enthusiast or just looking for a unique way to spend an afternoon, 探索欧雷的画廊是一项必做的活动.

通过Ferrata 's - Uncompahgre River Gorge

The Ouray 通过Ferrata is a thrilling adventure that allows visitors to experience the natural beauty of the San Juan Mountains in a unique and exciting way. The 通过Ferrata is a guided climbing route that follows the cliffs above the Uncompahgre Gorge and provides breathtaking views of Ouray and the surrounding area. 这条路线由铁梯级组成, 电缆, 以及锚定在岩石表面的桥梁, 使所有技术水平的攀登者都能进入. The route takes approximately three hours to complete and includes sections that are both exhilarating and challenging, 让它成为寻求刺激的人难忘的经历. The Ouray 通过Ferrata is a unique adventure that provides a bird's-eye view of the stunning natural beauty of the San Juan Mountains and is a must-do activity for those looking for an unforgettable adventure.

*有自己设备的人免费. If you are in need, see our guide and rental businesses to get you what you need.


The Ouray Ice Park is a unique and world-renowned attraction that draws visitors from around the globe. 坐落在市中心外的一个狭窄的峡谷里, the park consists of a series of ice climbing routes that are formed by spraying water from sprinklers onto the rock walls during the winter months. The result is a stunning display of ice formations that provide a challenging and exhilarating climbing experience for ice climbers of all skill levels. 该公园有200多条冰上和混合攀岩路线, 使其成为世界上最大的冰雪公园之一. 除了攀岩, 整个冬季,公园还举办各种各样的活动, 包括攀冰比赛, 诊所, 和节日. Visitors can rent equipment and receive instruction from experienced guides at one of several local outfitters, 这对初学者和有经验的登山者来说都是一项伟大的活动. The Ouray Ice Park is a must-visit destination for anyone looking to experience the thrill of ice climbing in a stunningly beautiful setting.

*有自己设备的人免费. If you are in need, see our guide and rental businesses to get you what you need.


半日游——开车 & 走

